How to demolish a once great company:

In his tenure as Apple CEO, Tim Cook has taken a company built by Steve Jobs, and transformed it into something a bit more corporate, according to a new report. Although Cook himself wouldn’t sit down with Fortune, the publication today published a a feature citing several sources with knowledge of how the Apple chief executive has changed the company. Chief among those changes, Fortune says, is a switch from engineering-driven decision-making to one that more conservatively considers production efficiency, and thus, cost-savings.

Learn to Hack pulled from Barnes and Noble | TuxRadar

In another blatant demonstration of why curated electronic bookstores are no friend to literacy and freedom of expression and thought, Barnes & Noble pulled issue #154 of Linux Format magazine as they believed it contained an article instructing people how to engage in illegal activities. The problem is that it didn’t. A complaint was made and the magazine’s edition was pulled offline out of sheer heresay. Until simple concepts like sharing and community can be embraced by the business world without a negative impact to its bottom line, you should never buy or accept as a gift any digital book that is equipped with DRM or other mechanisms to restrain you from appreciating its contents.

Wayland under Linux - Are Window Managers Obsolete?

No. A snippet of chat log posted by Darxus (link below) shows how current minimalist X Window Managers can be ported to become Wayland display servers without the bottom-up effort of having to handle input and other events from scratch. Another common statement is that “compositing is bloat”, but this is just the sort of concept Wayland seeks to avoid. Wayland replaces the X server completely, making the path between applications and graphics buffers more efficient.

Sergey Brin, Google Co-Founder, Says Internet Freedom Facing Greatest Threat Ever

Whenever the head of a major corporation cries about Internet freedom you can rest assured their words are laced with cynicism. We saw this same behavior in Apple CEO Steve Jobs when he pontificated on the open web in an effort to elimitate flash, while pushing everyone to use their QuickTime browser plugin. Google is only out to serve itself here, make no mistake.

How to Stop Surveillance, Tracking, Hacking - Fight Back Against Trolls, Cyberstalkers, Hackers - Popular Mechanics

“In the future, [we’ll be able to] get better data about how many people are in a room when a [football] game is being played,” he said. “How are those people engaged with the game? Are they wearing Seahawks jerseys or are they wearing Giants jerseys?”

Secret Computer Code Threatens Science: Scientific American

Modern science relies upon researchers sharing their work so that their peers can check and verify success or failure. But most scientists still don’t share one crucial piece of information — the source codes of the computer programs driving much of today’s scientific progress. Access to source code is the only way to verify trustworthiness and truthfulness, and its the only way to foster the sharing and collaboration that computing is capable of empowering.

After denouncing SOPA and PIPA, how can Facebook support CISPA? | ZDNet

In short, Facebook is happy the bill will protect it from being sued by a user for handing over their information to authorities. We want to thank you again for your legislation addressing demonstrated cyber security needs, and look forward to continuing to work with you and your colleagues on this important issue. Facebook is supporting CISPA because it benefits if the bill passes. I doubt the company will change its stance, even if there is a huge uproar against the bill like there was for SOPA and PIPA.

US slams Australia's on-shore cloud fixation | Delimiter

A number of US companies had expressed concerns that various departments in the Australian Government, namely, the Department of Defence, The National Archives of Australia, the Department of Finance and Deregulation, the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) and the State of Victoria’s Privacy Commissioner had been sending negative messages about cloud providers based outside the country, implying that “hosting data overseas, including in the United States, by definition entails greater risk and unduly exposes consumers to their data being scrutinised by foreign governments”

Code can't be stolen under federal law, court rules | Security & Privacy - CNET News

“Because Aleynikov did not ‘assume physical control’ over anything when he took the source code, and because he did not thereby ‘deprive [Goldman] of its use,’ Aleynikov did not violate the NSPA,” Chief Judge Dennis Jacobs wrote in the three-judge panel’s unanimous decision (see below). “We decline to stretch or update statutory words of plain and ordinary meaning in order to better accommodate the digital age.” Digital copying cannot be defined as theft.

Tell Obama And Dodd: No Backroom Dealing, No New SOPA | Demand Progress

Hollywood and Obama should’ve learned: No form of censorship will be acceptable to Internet users, and we’re fed up with corrupt, back-room deals that are driven by the rich and well-connected. Any major Internet policy changes should be negotiated in the light of day, so the millions of people who’d be affected can have their say too. Please tell President Obama to reject Hollywood’s backroom deals – just add your name at right.